Hockey Hall of Fame Development and Preservation Fund

Hockey Hall of Fame Establishes Endowment Fund

The Hockey Hall of Fame (HHOF), inspired with a vision for long-term growth and sustainability as the principal initiative of its 75/25 Anniversary Celebrations in 2018, established the Hockey Hall of Fame Development and Presentation Fund (the “Fund”).

HHOF’s initial 5-year (2018-2022) Fund capital goal targeted to raise CAD $10-$15M for the purpose of generating a perpetual income stream to support capital investment, outreach programs and institutional legacy projects (in each instance as more specifically defined as “Permitted Purposes” and subject to various restrictions contained in HHOF’s By-law No. 29).

The Fund investment account was activated by a $1,000,000 direct seed contribution from the National Hockey League in Q4/2017 and a further $1,000,000 from the net proceeds of the Hockey Hall of Fame 75/25 Anniversary Legends Gala held at historic Maple Leaf Gardens on June 25, 2018 (i.e., HHOF’s inaugural endowment fundraising campaign through Q2/2018).

With a solid foundation for success, HHOF carried out the Legacy of Legends Growth Campaign 2021/2022 to build up a permanent “safety net” and reinforce the vitality of the Hockey Hall of Fame through development and preservation reinvestments.

Mission Accomplished! Thank you to all of our distinguished benefactors for helping us reach out $15,000,000 campaign goal!

Permitted Purpose(s) of the Fund

(excerpt from HHFM By-law No. 29)

    • the acquisition, design, development, fabrication, production, transport, installation, enhancement and/or replacement of exhibits (including those composed of or based on historic artifacts, memorabilia, imagery, audio-visual/multi-media content, interactive games and/or other digital technology) for the Hockey Hall of Fame, wherever displayed, stored or transported;
    • the acquisition, design, development, construction, enhancement and/or replacement of premises for the Hockey Hall of Fame, whether for museum, archival or other related purposes, including the installation of improvements and fixtures therein;
    • the acquisition, collection, care, repair, enhancement and/or preservation of artifacts, memorabilia, archival materials, artworks and other historic objects for the Hockey Hall of Fame, including the cataloguing and digital archiving/records management thereof;
    • the development and/or fulfillment of special outreach initiatives in connection with the Hockey Hall of Fame, whether for travelling exhibitions, educational programs, programs to promote and facilitate youth participation and/or programs to enhance public access to archival and museum collections, including related software development;
    • the development and/or production of audio-visual/multi-media content or theatrical presentations for use in connection with the Hockey Hall of Fame, whether for museum, archival, educational, promotional and/or commercial licensing purposes; and
    • making payments on account of the Corporation’s operating deficits, if any, from time to time.
Fund Powered By
presented by Scotia Wealth Management


The Hockey Hall of Fame was founded in 1943 to establish a memorial to those who have developed Canada’s national winter sport – ice hockey.

Incorporated in 1983 and continued under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act in 2013, the stated purpose of Hockey Hall of Fame and Museum (HHFM), as set out in its Articles, is:

(i) To honour and memorialize individuals who have brought special distinction to the game of hockey and those who made outstanding contributions to the development and advancement of hockey anywhere in the world; and

(ii) To establish and maintain a museum and official archives for hockey, and to collect, research, preserve, exhibit and promote objects, images and other historical materials connected with the game at all levels.

A registered charity under the Income Tax Act (Canada), HHFM owns and operates a museum and place of entertainment offering state-of-the-art exhibits, theatrical presentations and educational programing from its premises at Brookfield Place, Toronto, and a multi-purpose archive, resource centre and research facility located at 400 Kipling Avenue, Toronto.