Coach Hap Day is followed by Vic Lynn going to the dressing room (Ref: 000009-000002507)
Hap Day is presented with an award by Clarence Campbell. (Ref: 000010-000002877)
Hap Day drops puck for the ceremonial face-off between Ed Litzenberger #12 & George Armstrong on October 11, 1958. (Ref: 000011-000003187)
L to R - Les Costello, Vic Lynn, coach Hap Day & Ted Kennedy. (Ref: 000015-000004319)
NHL President, Clarence Campbell shakes Hap Day's hand. Bill Barilko in centre (Ref: 000016-000004612)
Hap Day (right) with his captains, Syl Apps and Ted Kennedy. Bob Davidson is far left (Ref: 000017-000004899)
Hap Day helps Syl Apps with the Stanley Cup (Ref: 000017-000004923)
Bob Davidson, Syl Apps, Ted Kennedy, Hap Day (Ref: 000017-000004932)
Hap Day and Syl Apps look at the Cup together (Ref: 000017-000004956)
Syl Apps & Hap Day with Cup (Ref: 000017-000004957)
Bottom row, from left - Hap Day (GM), Syl Apps, George Armstrong, Ted Kennedy
Top row from left - Harry Watson, Jim Thomson, Sid Smith, Howie Meeker (Coach) (Ref: 000018-000005107)
Sid Smith, Howie Meeker, Syl Apps, Hap Day, Harry Watson, Ted Kennedy, Jim Thomson (Ref: 000018-000005111)
George Armstrong, Howie Meeker, Syl Apps, Hap Day, Harry Watson, Ted Kennedy, Jim Thomson (Ref: 000018-000005112)
Leaf coach Hap Day shakes hands with President Clarence Campbell, Bill Barilko next to Stanley Cup (Ref: 000019-000005414)
Bill Barilko, Hap Day, Alex Barilko, Jim Thomson (Ref: 000019-000005436)
Hap Day and Bud Poile (Ref: 000019-000005673)
Hap Day, Max Bentley and Cy Thomas (Ref: 000020-000005914)
Hap Day, Conn Smythe and Joe Primeau look on as Hugh Bolton signs a contract (Ref: 000021-000006046)
Syl Apps with Hap Day and Turk Broda (Ref: 000021-000006263)
Turk Broda and Hap Day (Ref: 000022-000006341)
King Clancy & Hap Day (Ref: 000023-000006764)
Hap Day (right) looks over some paper work with King Clancy (Ref: 000023-000006775)
Coach King Clancy & General Manager Hap Day (Ref: 000023-000006801)
Dick Irvin Sr. (right), Dit Clapper (centre) and Hap Day (Ref: 000023-000006810)
Charlie Conacher & Hap Day with wreath (Ref: 000024-000006912)
Charlie Conacher, Hap Day, Eddie Shore (Ref: 000024-000006917)
Hap Day (centre) and Harold Cotton at a Marlie Alumni game (Ref: 000024-000007049)
Eddie Cutts signs contract with Hap Day (Ref: 000024-000007138)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007248)
Hap Day and Jack Adams (Ref: 000025-000007249)
Hap Day and Jack Adams (Ref: 000025-000007250)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007251)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007253)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007254)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007255)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007256)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007257)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007258)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007259)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007260)
Leaf coach Hap Day congratulated in Leaf dressing room after Stanley Cup win by Detroit coach Tommy Ivan (Ref: 000025-000007263)
Hap Day, Dit Clapper & Dick Irvin Sr. (Ref: 000025-000007265)
Leaf coach Hap Day after Stanley Cup win (Ref: 000025-000007266)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007267)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007269)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007270)
Dick Irvin Sr. (right) and Hap Day (left) (Ref: 000025-000007271)
Ted Kennedy (right) jests with coach Hap Day, Turk Broda (far left), Bill Ezinicki (next to Broda) (Ref: 000025-000007272)
Hap Day (on left) (Ref: 000025-000007273)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007274)
Hap Day and Dit Clapper (Ref: 000025-000007276)
Hap Day and Dit Clapper (Ref: 000025-000007277)
Ranger coach Frank Boucher talks to Leaf coach Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007278)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007279)
Hap Day (standing far left), Frank Selke Sr. (far right) (Ref: 000025-000007280)
Wally Stanowski& Hap Day with Stanley Cup (Ref: 000025-000007281)
Bud Poile and Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007282)
Leaf coach Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007283)
Tim Horton (centre)and a teammate talk to coach Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007285)
Hap Day (left) (Ref: 000025-000007286)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007287)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007288)
Bud Poile given his sweater by Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007291)
Babe Pratt (front) and Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007292)
Hap Day (right) (Ref: 000025-000007293)
Syl Apps & Hap Day with Stanley Cup (Ref: 000025-000007294)
Hap Day with Hank Goldup (Ref: 000025-000007295)
Nick Metz, Hap Day & Wally Stanowski hug the Cup (Ref: 000025-000007296)
Hap Day (centre) (Ref: 000025-000007297)
Hap Day accepting award (Ref: 000025-000007298)
Joe Klukay talking to Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007299)
Hap Day (left) (Ref: 000025-000007300)
Hap Day (left) (Ref: 000025-000007301)
Leaf coach Hap Day with defencemen - Jim Thomson, Bill Barilko, Wally Stanowski, Gus Mortson (Ref: 000025-000007302)
Hap Day with Leaf players (Ref: 000025-000007303)
Charlie Conacher making a centre ice exchange with New York Americans Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007304)
Hap Day with Billy Taylor (Ref: 000025-000007305)
Hap Day buys a poppy (Ref: 000025-000007306)
Hap Day (far right) (Ref: 000025-000007307)
Tommy Ivan with Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007308)
Hap Day (far right) with Conn Smythe next to him (Ref: 000025-000007309)
Hap Day looks at some equipment with Tim Daly (Ref: 000025-000007310)
Hap Day poses with a fan (Ref: 000025-000007312)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007313)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007314)
Hap Day (left) with King Clancy (Ref: 000025-000007315)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007316)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007317)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007318)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007319)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007320)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007321)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007322)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007323)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007324)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007325)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007326)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007327)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007328)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007329)
Hap Day, Toronto St. Pats (Ref: 000025-000007330)
Hap Day shaking hands with NHL President Clarence Campbell (Ref: 000025-000007331)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007332)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007333)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007334)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007335)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007336)
Hap Day buying poppy (Ref: 000025-000007337)
Hap Day buying poppy (Ref: 000025-000007338)
Hap Day with 3 youngsters (Ref: 000025-000007339)
Hap Day with 3 youngsters (Ref: 000025-000007340)
Hap Day with 3 youngsters (Ref: 000025-000007341)
Hap Day with 3 youngsters (Ref: 000025-000007342)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007343)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007344)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007345)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007346)
Bob Goldham with Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007347)
Bob Goldham with Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007348)
Hap Day in stands (Ref: 000025-000007349)
Hap Day (left) (Ref: 000025-000007350)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007351)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007354)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007355)
Mrs.Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007356)
Mrs. Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007357)
Hap Day kids (Ref: 000025-000007358)
Hap Day family (Ref: 000025-000007360)
Hap Day kids (Ref: 000025-000007361)
Hap Day family (Ref: 000025-000007362)
Hap Day presented with a miniture Stanley Cup (Ref: 000025-000007364)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007365)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007366)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007367)
Harold Cotton, Hap Day, King Clancy, Ace Bailey and Joe Primeau (Ref: 000025-000007368)
Hap Day behind the Leaf bench (Ref: 000025-000007369)
Hap Day with trophy (Ref: 000025-000007370)
Joe Primeau, Hap Day, Harold Cotton (Ref: 000025-000007371)
King Clancy & Hap Day with Ecclestone Memorial sweaters (Ref: 000025-000007372)
Hap Day reacts to the play (Ref: 000025-000007373)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007374)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007375)
Hap Day (far left) (Ref: 000025-000007376)
Hap Day and Turk Broda (Ref: 000025-000007377)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007378)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007379)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007380)
Hap Day (standing), Joe Primeau (far left), Bob Davidson (far right) (Ref: 000025-000007381)
Hap Day (right) (Ref: 000025-000007382)
Hap Day, Ed Fitkin, Jim Vipond (Ref: 000025-000007383)
Hap Day (standing), Joe Primeau (far left), Bob Davidson (far right) (Ref: 000025-000007384)
Hap Day (left) (Ref: 000025-000007385)
Frank Boucher (far left), Hap Day (far right) (Ref: 000025-000007386)
Hap day (right) (Ref: 000025-000007387)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007388)
Hap Day (left) (Ref: 000025-000007389)
Hap Day & Frank Boucher signing stick (Ref: 000025-000007390)
Hap Day (left) (Ref: 000025-000007391)
Hap Day shaking hands with Red Horner in Leaf dressing room (Ref: 000025-000007392)
Hap Day (right) (Ref: 000025-000007393)
Hap Day (left) (Ref: 000025-000007394)
Hap Day (left) (Ref: 000025-000007395)
Hap Day looking at Max Bentley (Ref: 000025-000007396)
Hap Day with Conn Smythe (Ref: 000025-000007397)
Hap Day, Syl Apps, Conn Smythe celebrating (Ref: 000025-000007398)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007399)
Hap Day with Stanley Cup (Ref: 000025-000007400)
Hap Day with Howie Meeker after his 5 goal game (Ref: 000025-000007401)
Hap Day with Howie Meeker after his 5 goal game (Ref: 000025-000007402)
Hap Day with Leaf team (Ref: 000025-000007403)
Vic Lynn, Gus Mortson, Hap Day, Ted Kennedy and Bud Poile (Ref: 000025-000007404)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007405)
Hap Day behind bench, Jack McLean in front (Ref: 000025-000007406)
Hap Day behind bench (Ref: 000025-000007407)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007408)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007409)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007410)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007411)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007412)
Hap Day (left) (Ref: 000025-000007413)
Hap Day (left) (Ref: 000025-000007414)
Joe Primeau and Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007415)
Hap Day (Ref: 000025-000007416)
King Clancy, Dick Duff, Hap Day (Ref: 000026-000007529)
King Clancy, Dick Duff (with 1st goal puck), Hap Day (Ref: 000026-000007535)
Bill Ezinicki and coach Hap Day (Ref: 000026-000007689)
Bill Ezinicki with coach Hap Day (Ref: 000026-000007726)
Rene Trudell, coach Hap Day, Cal Gardner (Ref: 000027-000007933)
Billy Harris signs contract with Leafs General Manager Hap Day (Ref: 000028-000008289)
Billy Harris shaking hands with G.M. Hap Day (Ref: 000028-000008296)
Bob Pulford watches Billy Harris shake hands with Leafs G.M. Hap Day (Ref: 000028-000008339)
Red Horner & Hap Day (Ref: 000029-000008665)
Hap Day & Red Horner in Leaf dressing room (Ref: 000029-000008666)
Tim Horner in truck talking to Hap Day (Ref: 000029-000008688)
Tim Horton with Hap Day at Conn Smythe's gravel pit (Ref: 000029-000008690)
Tim Horton with Hap Day at Conn Smythe's gravel pit (Ref: 000029-000008691)
Hap Day & Tim Horton at Conn Smythe's gravel pit (Ref: 000030-000008713)
Hap Day (left), Dick Irvin Sr. with tea set (Ref: 000030-000008896)
King Clancy (2nd from left), Hap Day (far right) (Ref: 000030-000008928)
King Clancy, Hap Day & Gerry James (Ref: 000030-000008978)
Gerry James shakes hands with Hap Day after signing his contract (Ref: 000030-000008989)
Gerry James looks at his contract as Hap Day & King Clancy look on (Ref: 000030-000008990)
Gerry James signs contract as Hap Day & King Clancy look on (Ref: 000030-000008991)
Hap Day with Gerry James at contract signing (Ref: 000030-000008993)
Leafs in card game - left to right - Turk Broda, Wally Stanowski, Nick Metz. Vic Lynn, Jim Thomson - Coach Hap Day is standing (Ref: 000031-000009158)
Conn Smythe, Ted Kennedy, President Campbell & Hap Day with 1949 Stanley Cup. Bill Barilko is behind Smythe & Kennedy (Ref: 000031-000009282)
Ted Kennedy flanked by King Clancy on his right and Hap Day on his left (Ref: 000032-000009344)
Hap Day shakes Captain Ted Kennedy's hand (Ref: 000032-000009352)
Captain Ted Kennedy address the crowd after winning the Cup on April 16, 1949. Coach Hap Day, Turk Broda, Harry Watson & Conn Smythe are in the background (Ref: 000032-000009410)
Jim Morrison accepts trophy from Hap Day on his left (Ref: 000032-000009420)
Hap Day (on right) shaking hands with young Leaf player (Ref: 000032-000009421)
Hap Day (far left), Conn Smythe (far right) watch hockey game (Ref: 000032-000009424)
Bill Barilko is between Coach Hap Day shaking hands with President Clarence Campbell. Other Leafs are Vic Lynn (behind Barilko), Turk Broda (behind Campbell) Cal Gardner (behind Broda)& Harry Watson (with 'A') after 1949 Cup victory (Ref: 000032-000009425)
Bill Barilko is between Coach Hap Day shaking hands with President Clarence Campbell. Garth Boesch (with mustache) is behind Barilko
- after Leafs Cup victory on April 16, 1949 (Ref: 000032-000009426)
Leaf coach Hap Day examines the scalp of Vic Lynn (Ref: 000033-000009818)
Hap Day with Gil Mayer (Ref: 000034-000010067)
Hap Day with goalie Gil Mayer (Ref: 000034-000010068)
Hap Day watches as Frank McCool signs contract (Ref: 000034-000010128)
Frank McCool signing contract as Hap Day looks on (Ref: 000034-000010135)
Hap Day watched John McCormack sign his Leaf contract (Ref: 000034-000010152)
John McCormack & Hap Day holding contract (Ref: 000034-000010153)
John McCormack & Hap Day holding contract (Ref: 000034-000010155)
Hap Day & John McCormack look at great Leaf team photos (Ref: 000034-000010159)
Howie Meeker, Hap Day & King Clancy (Ref: 000035-000010268)
GM Hap Day & Coach Howie Meeker (Ref: 000035-000010418)
Hap Day measures Howie Meeker's crew cut (Ref: 000035-000010425)
Hap Day (far left) & Howie Meeker (to his left) with cigars (Ref: 000035-000010426)
Hap Day (far left) & Howie Meeker (to his left) (Ref: 000035-000010433)
Dave Reid, Hap Day (Ref: 000038-000011128)
Hap Day, Charlie Querrie (Ref: 000038-000011145)
Sid Smith, Hap day (Ref: 000039-000011685)
Sid Smith, Hap Day (Ref: 000039-000011700)
Conn Smythe (far left) Hap Day (far right) (Ref: 000041-000011748)
King Clancy (centre top row) Hap Day, Conn Smythe, Joe Primeau (seated) (Ref: 000041-000011764)
Frank Selke, Dick Irvin, Hap Day, Charlie Conacher, King Clancy, Conn Smythe (Ref: 000041-000011795)
Conn Smythe (2nd from left) Hap Day (centre) (Ref: 000041-000011812)
Frank Selke, Dick Irvin, Hap Day, Charlie Conacher, King Clancy, Conn Smythe (Ref: 000041-000011815)
Hap Day (2nd from left) Conn Smythe (far right) (Ref: 000041-000011848)
Hap Day (far left) Conn Smythe (2nd from left) Joe Primeau (far right) (Ref: 000041-000011849)
Hap Day (far left) Conn Smythe (2nd from left) Joe Primeau (far right) (Ref: 000041-000011850)
Conn Smythe (2nd from left) Hap Day (far right) (Ref: 000041-000011854)
Hap Day (2nd from left) Conn Smythe (far right) (Ref: 000041-000011855)
Hap Day, Conn Smythe (Ref: 000041-000011857)
Hap Day (2nd from left) Conn Smythe (far right) (Ref: 000041-000011858)
Conn Smythe (far left) Hap Day (far right) (Ref: 000041-000011860)
Hap Day, Conn Smythe, Squib Walker (Ref: 000043-000012317)
Stafford Smythe, Hap Day, Conn Smythe (Ref: 000043-000012574)
Top Row - Vic Lynn, Garth Boesch, Gus Mortson, Joe Klukay
Bottom Row - Jim Thomson, Hap Day, Howie Meeker, Bill Barilko
with Stanley Cup - 1947 (Ref: 000043-000012588)
Hap Day, J.P. Bickle (Ref: 000043-000012605)
Hap Day, J.P. Bickle (Ref: 000043-000012606)
Hap Day (Ref: 000044-000012628)
Joe Primeau (front & centre) with Stanley Cup (Ref: 000044-000012648)
From left - Joe Primeau, Squib Walker, Hap Day (Ref: 000044-000012655)
Leafs at City Hall after parade - Bill Ezinicki, Harry Watson, Conn Smythe,
Hap Day, Syl Apps (Ref: 000044-000012768)
Hap Day dancing (Ref: 000044-000012794)
From left - Bobby Hewitson, Hap Day, Jim Vipond (Ref: 000044-000012821)
Stafford Smythe, Hap Day, Conn Smythe (Ref: 000044-000012822)
G.M. Hap Day and Coach Howie Meeker in the 1956-57 season (Ref: 000046-000012965)
Hap Day eating meal (Ref: 000046-000012969)
Hap Day (Ref: 000046-000013008)
Tim Horton, with shovel & Hap Day at Conn Smythe's sand pit (Ref: 000046-000013062)
Hap Day and Joe Primeau (Ref: 000047-000013260)
Conn Smythe (centre), Hap Day (far right) (Ref: 000047-000013353)
Joe Primeau (1st row, 2nd from right) Hap Day (2nd row, far right) (Ref: 000047-000013447)
Hap Day (2nd from left), Conn Smythe (3rd from right) (Ref: 000047-000013507)
Hap Day, Conn Smythe and Hap Day over look a contract signing (Ref: 000050-000013553)
Hap Day (right) (Ref: 000050-000013705)
Bill Barilko, Jim Thomson, Gus Mortson, Wally Stanowski, Hap Day (Ref: 000051-000013832)
HAp Day (left)at ceremony Jan.31,1948 (Ref: 000051-000013834)
Hap Day signing Murray Costello to a contract (Ref: 000051-000013893)
Hap Day (far left), Conn Smythe (with Cup), Bobby Hewitson (2nd from right) (Ref: 000053-000014160)
Hap Day (Ref: 000120-000800103)
Hap Day (Ref: 000143-008115094)